Over 20,000 Installed!

American Case Study #3

263 Viewmount Ave
Toronto, On
M6B 1v1

Client: 21 & 23 Carlton St.

BMI has done an extensive study of water demand at 21 & 23 Carlton St for the months leading up to the installation of the SmarValveTM. Up to 4 months before the installation, the demand for water increased by an average of 16.25% as compared to the same months in 2017.

The SmarValveTM was installed in the end of June, and we immediately see a significant decrease in the difference between consumption in July 2017 and in July 2018, and the same for August 2017 and August 2018. The SmarValveTM is saving close to 15% in water consumption.

Month20172018% Difference

SmartValveTM was installed in end of June 2018


It is important to compare the savings of the SmarValveTM by referencing changes in water demand that occurred prior to the installation of the SmartValveTM, if there was a major change in yearly consumption. In this way can we add necessary context to calculations. We can clearly see that the SmartValveTM moderates the increased demand for water, bringing consumption close to 2017 levels.